Tag Archives: plot

Use python for image generation

Here are some suggestions to visualize your results with python.
The idea is mainly to put your data in a pandas dataframe and then use pandas methods to plot it.

Bar plots

Here's the simple one with one variable:

vals = {'24 layers':9.37, '6 layers teached':9.94, '6 layers':10.20, 'human':10.34}
df_plot = pd.DataFrame(vals, index=[0])
ax = df_plot.plot(kind='bar')
ax.set_ylim(8, 12)
ax.set_title('error in MAE')

Here's an example for a barplot with two variables and three features:

vals_arou  = [3.2, 3.6]
vals_val  = [-1.2, -0.4]
vals_dom  = [2.6, 3.2]
cols = ['orig','scrambled']
plot = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols)
plot.loc['arousal'] = vals_arou
plot.loc['valence'] = vals_val
plot.loc['dominance'] = vals_dom
ax = plot.plot(kind='bar', rot=0)
ax.set_ylim(-1.8, 3.7)
# this displays the actual values
for container in ax.containers:

Stacked barplots

Here's an example using seaborn package for stacked barplots:
For a pandas dataframe with columns age in years and db for two database names:

import seaborn as sns
f = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5))
ax = f.add_subplot(1,1,1)
sns.histplot(data=df, ax = ax, stat="count", multiple="stack",
             x="duration", kde=False,
             element="bars", legend=True)
ax.set_title("Age distriubution")

Box plots

Here's a code comparing two box plots with data dots

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
n = [0.375, 0.389, 0.38, 0.346, 0.373, 0.335, 0.337, 0.363, 0.338, 0.339]
e = [0.433 0.451, 0.462, 0.464, 0.455, 0.456, 0.464, 0.461 0.457, 0.456]
data = pd.DataFrame({'simple':n, 'with soft labels':e})
sns.boxplot(data = data)
sns.swarmplot(data=data, color='.25', size=1)

Confusion matrix

We can simply use the audplot package

from audplot import confusion_matrix

truth = [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] * 1000
prediction = [0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2] * 1000
confusion_matrix(truth, prediction)

Pie plot

Here is an example for a pie plot

import pandas as pd

import pandas as pd
plot_df = 
    pd.DataFrame({'cases':[461, 85, 250]}, 
    index=['unknown', 'Corona positive', 
    'Corona negative'])
plot_df.plot(kind='pie', y='cases', autopct='%.2f')

looks like this:


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# assuming you have two dataframes with a speaker column, you could plot the histogram of samples per speaker like this 
test = df_test.speaker.value_counts()[df_test.speaker.value_counts()>0]
train = df_train.speaker.value_counts()[df_train.speaker.value_counts()>0]

plt.hist([train, test], bins = np.linspace(0, 500, 100), label=['train', 'test'])
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
# better use EPS for publication as it's vector graphics (and scales)

Plot two parameters for categories

This is an examle how to plot values for two parameters in on plot and builds upon the dta generated at this example.
So, from the features you extracted you would isolate two parameters from the dataframe:

x1 = df_feats.loc[:, 'F0semitoneFrom27.5Hz_sma3nz_amean']
x2 = df_feats.loc[:, 'F0semitoneFrom27.5Hz_sma3nz_stddevNorm']

You'd need matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

You would color the dots according to the emotion they have been labeled with. Because the plot function does not accept string values as color designators but only numbers, you'd first have to convert them, e.g. with the LabelEncoder:

from sklearn import preprocessing
le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
c_vals = le.fit_transform(df_emo.emotion.values)

and then you can simply do the plot:

plt.scatter(x1, x2, c=c_vals)