Tag Archives: nkululeko


If you use modules, feature-extractors or models that use torchaudio with Nkululeko, like e.g . Resampler or Squim model, you need to install the nightly version.

pip uninstall -y torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu

How to fix different sampling rates in a dataset with Nkululeko

With nkululeko since version 0.62.0 you can automatically adjust the sampling rate to the standard of 16 kHz, which is required by most models that might need to process your data.

A special module can be configured in the configuration file like this:

# which of the data splits to re-sample: train, test or all (both)
sample_selection = all
replace = True
target = data_resampled.csv

and then you call it like this

python -m nkululeko.resample --config my_config.ini

WARNING: if replace = True, this changes (overwrites) ALL files in the splits, directly on your hard disk. Make sure to make a safety copy of your database before, in case the results are undesired, or you still need the data in other sample rates.

The default value though, is replace = False . Then, the target value will be used as filename for the new dataframe with filenames that indicate that the sampling rate has been changed.

As stated above, only files in the test and train splits are affected. This means that you can use all filtering, e.g. limit samples per speaker to 20 samples to pre-select samples.

Nkululeko: how to predict labels for your data from existing models and check them

With nkululeko since version 0.58.0, you can predict labels automatically for a given database, and then perhaps use these predictions to check on bias within your data.
One example:
You have a database labeled with smokers/non-smokers. You evaluate a machine learning model, check on the features and find to your astonishment, that the mean pitch is the most important feature to distinguish between smokers and non-smokers, with a very high accuracy.
You suspect foul-play and auto-label the data with a public model predicting biological sex (called gender in Nkululeko).
After a data exploration you see that most of the smokers are female and most of the non-smokers are male.
The machine learning model detected biological sex and not smoking behaviour.

How do you do this?
Firstly, you need to predict labels. In a configuration file, state the annotations you'd like to be added to your data like this:

databases = ['mydata']
mydata = ... # location of the data
mydata.split_strategy = random # not important for this 
# the label names that should be predicted: possible are: 'speaker', 'gender', 'age', 'snr', 'valence', 'arousal', 'dominance', 'pesq', 'mos'
targets = ['gender']
# the split selection, use "all" for all samples in the database
sample_selection = all

You can then call the predict module with python:

python -m nkululeko.predict --config my_config.ini

The resulting new database file in CSV format will appear in the experiment folder.
The newly predicted values will be named with a trailing _pred, e.g. "gender_pred" for "gender"
You can than configure the explore module to visualize the the correlation between the new labels and the original target:

databases = ['predicted']
predicted = ./my_exp/mydata_predicted.csv
predicted.type = csv
predicted.absolute_path = True
predicted.split_strategy = random
# which labels to investigate in context with target label
value_counts = [['gender_pred']]
# the split selection
sample_selection = all

and then call the explore module:

python -m nkululeko.explore --config my_config.ini

The resulting visualizations are in the image folder of the experiment folder.
Here is an example of the correlation between emotion and estimated PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality)

The effect size is stated as Cohen's d, for categories that have the largest value, in this case the difference of estimated speech quality is largest between the categories neutral and angry.

How to soft-label a database with Nkululeko

Soft-labeling means to annotate data with labels that were predicited by a machine classifier.
As they were not evaluated by a human, you might call them "soft".

Two steps are necessary:
1) save a test/evaluation set as a new database
2) load this new database in a new experiment as training data

Within nkululeko, you would do it like this:

step 1: save a new database

You simply specifify a name in the EXP section to save the test predictions like this:

save_test = ./my_test_predictions.csv

You need Model save to be turned on, because it will look for the best performing model:

save = True

This will store the new database to a file called my_test_predictions.csv in the folder where the python was called.

step 2: load as training data

Here is an example configuration how to load this data as additional training (in this case in addition to emodb):

root = ./tests/
name = exp_add_learned
runs = 1
epochs = 1
strategy = cross_data
databases = ['emodb', 'learned', 'test_db']
trains = ['emodb', 'learned']
tests = ['test_db']
emodb = /path-to-emodb/
emodb.split_strategy = speaker_split
emodb.mapping = {'anger':'angry', 'happiness':'happy', 'sadness':'sad', 'neutral':'neutral'}
test_db = /path to test database/
test_db.mapping = <if any mapping to the target categories is needed>
learned = ./my_test_predictions.csv
learned.type = csv
target = emotion
labels = ['angry', 'happy', 'neutral', 'sad']
type = os
type = xgb
save = True

Nkululeko: try out / demo a trained model

This is another Nkululeko post that shows you how to demo model that you trained before.

First you need to train a model, e.g. on emodb as shown here
In the ini file you MUST set the parameters

save = True

in the general section and

save = True

in the MODEL section of the configuration file.
Background: we need both the experiment as well as all model files to be saved on disk.

Here is an example script then how to call the demo mode:

python -m nkululeko.demo --config exp_emodb.ini

, if your config file is called exp_emob.ini
Automatically the best performing model will be used.
This will start recording for 3 seconds from your microphone.
if you specify

python -m nkululeko.demo --config exp_emodb.ini --file test.wav

the file test.wav will be predicted, it needs to be in 16 kHz sampling rate and mono channel.
If you specify

python -m nkululeko.demo --config exp_emodb.ini --list my_list.txt --folder data/ravdess/ --outfile my_results.csv

The file my_list.txt will be read and it is expected to contain one file to be predicted per line, e.g.:


The optional argument --folder can be used to specify a parent folder for the input files.

The optional argument --outfile can be used to save the results in a CSV table.

If --list my_file.csv is in CSV format, audformat will be interpreted, but only the index will be used.

E.g. with


only the file column will be used.

How to set up wav2vec embedding for nkululeko

Since version 0.10, nkululeko supports facebook's wav2vec 2.0 embeddings as acoustic features.
This post shows you how to set this up.

set up nkululeko

in your nkululeko configuration (*.ini) file, set the feature extractor as wav2vec2 and denote the path to the model like this:

type = ['wav2vec2']
wav2vec.model = /my path to the huggingface model/

Alternatively you can state the huggingface model name directly:

type = ['wav2vec2-base-960h']

Out of the box, as embeddings the last hidden layer is used. But the original wav2vec2 model consists of 7 CNN layers followed by up to 24 transformer layers. if you like to use an earlier layer than the last one, you can simply count down-

type = wav2vec2
wav2vec.layer = 12

This would use the 12th layer of a 24 layer model and only the4 CNN layers of a 12 layer model.

Nkululeko: perform cross database experiments

This is one of a series of posts about how to use nkululeko.
If you're unfamilar with nkululelo, you might want to start here.

This post is about cross database experiments, i.e. training a classifier on one database and test it on another, something that happens quite often with real life situations.

In this post I will only talk about the config file, the python file can be re-used.

I'll walk you through the sections of the config file (all options here):
The first section deals with general setup:

# root is the base directory for the experiment relative to the python call
root = ./experiment_1/
# mainly a name for the top folder to store results (inside root)
name = cross_data

Next, the DATA section might look like this

# declare which databases to use
databases = ['emodb', 'polish']
# specify the location of the data
emodb = <path to the database>
polish = <path to the database>
# we split one database as specified
emodb.split_strategy = specified
# here is the test, the training set is disregarded
emodb.test.tables = ['emotion.categories.test.gold_standard']
# the whole of the polish database is used for train
polish.split_strategy = train
# the target label for the experiment
target = emotion
# we need to unify the labels of both databases
emodb.mapping = {'anger':'angry', 'happiness':'happy', 'sadness':'sad', 'neutral':'neutral'}
polish.mapping = {'anger':'angry', 'joy':'happy', 'sadness':'sad', 'neutral':'neutral'}
# and these are the labels we want to distinguidh
labels = ['angry', 'happy', 'neutral', 'sad']

The features section, better explained in this post

type = os

The classifiers section, better explained in this post

type = xgb

Again, you might want to plot the final distribution of categories per train and test set:

value_counts = True

Nkululeko: comparing classifiers and features

This is one of a series of posts about how to use nkululeko.

If you're unfamilar with nkululelo, you might want to start here.

This post is about machine classification (as opposed to regression problems) and an introduction how to combine different features sets with different classifiers.

I'll walk you through the sections of the config file (all options here):
The first section deals with general setup:

# root is the base directory for the experiment relative to the python call
root = ./experiment_1/
# mainly a name for the top folder to store results (inside root)
name = exp_A
# needed only for neural net classifiers
#epochs = 100
# needed only for classifiers with random initialization
# runs = 3 

The DATA section deals with the data sets:

# list all the databases  you will be using
databases = ['emodb']

# state the path to the audformat root folder
emodb = /home/felix/data/audb/emodb

# split train and test based on different random speakers
emodb.split_strategy = speaker_split

# state the percentage of test speakers (in this case 4 speakers, as emodb only has 10 speakers)
emodb.testsplit = 40

# the target label that should be classified
target = emotion

# the categories you are interested in
labels = ['anger', 'boredom', 'disgust', 'fear', 'happiness', 'neutral', 'sadness']

The next section deals with the features that should be used by the classifier.

# the type of features to use
type = ['os']

The choice of currently implemented features is described here:

You can combine feature sets, i.e. they will be concatenated column-wise, e.g. like so:

# the type of features to use
type = ['os', 'praat']

Next comes the MODEL section which deals with the classifier:

# the main thing to sepecify is the kind of classifier:
type = xgb

Choices are described here

Models can not be combined, but you can do ensemble learning

Setting up a base nkululeko experiment

This is one of a series of posts on how to use nkululeko and deals with setting up the "hello world" of nkululeko: performing classification on the berlin emodb emotional datbase.

Nkululeko experiments are defined by one file:

  • an initialization file that is interpreted by the nkululeko framework

This would be a minimal nkululeko configuration file (tested with version 0.8)

root = ./results
name = exp_emodb
databases = ['emodb']
emodb = TO BE ADAPTED/emodb
emodb.split_strategy = speaker_split
emodb.testsplit = 40
target = emotion
labels = ['anger', 'boredom', 'disgust', 'fear', 'happiness', 'neutral', 'sadness']
type = os
type = svm

I hope the names of the entries are self-explanatory, here's the link to the config file description

Nkululeko: meta parameter optimization

With linear classifiers that are derived from sklearn, you can simply state your variants for a meta parameter in the ini file:

type = svm
tuning_params = ['C']
scoring = recall_macro
C = [10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001]

This will iterate the C parameter of the SVM classifier by the stated values and choose the best performing model.
You can have several "tuning_params" and them a grid search (combining everything with each other) will be performed.

Here's an example for XGB classifier:

type = xgb
tuning_params = ['subsample', 'n_estimators', 'max_depth']
subsample = [.5, .7]
n_estimators = [50, 80, 200]
max_depth = [1, 6]

Here's one idea how to find the optimal values for 2 layers of an MLP net with nkululeko:

  • store your meta-parameters in arrays
  • loop over them and initialize an experiment each time
  • keep the experiment name but change your parameters and the plot name
  • this way you can re-use your extracted features and do not get your harddisk cluttered.

Here's some python code to illustrate this idea:

def main(config_file):
    # load one configuration per experiment
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    util = Util()
    l1s = [32, 64, 128]
    l2s = [16, 32, 64]
    for l1 in l1s:
        for l2 in l2s:
            # create a new experiment
            expr = exp.Experiment(config)

            plotname = f'{util.get_exp_name()}_{l1}_{l2}'
            util.set_config_val('PLOT', 'name', plotname)

            print(f'running {expr.name} with layers {l1} and {l2}')

            layers = {'l1':l1, 'l2':l2}
            util.set_config_val('MODEL', 'layers', layers)

            # load the data

            # split into train and test
            util.debug(f'train shape : {expr.df_train.shape}, test shape:{expr.df_test.shape}')

            # extract features
            util.debug(f'train feats shape : {expr.feats_train.df.shape}, test feats shape:{expr.feats_test.df.shape}')

            # initialize a run manager

            # run the experiment


Keep in mind though that meta parameter optimization like done here is in itself a learning problem. It is usually not feasible to systematically try out all combinations of possible values and thus some kind of stochastic approach is preferable.