Tag Archives: information

Get all information from emodb

When you load the Berlin emodb as has been done in numerous postings of this blog, you will get per default only information on file name, speaker id, text id and emotion.

But there is more information contained in the audformat file and this posts shows you how to access it.

If not already somewhere on your computer, start by downloading the emodb:

if not os.path.isdir('./emodb/'):
    !wget -c https://tubcloud.tu-berlin.de/s/LfkysdXJfiobiEG
    !mv download emodb_audformat.zip
    !unzip emodb_audformat.zip
    !rm emodb_audformat.zip

This code will then load the database, prepare a single dataframe with all information and store it to disk for later use:

# load the database to memory
root = './emodb/'
db = audformat.Database.load(root)
# map the file pathes to the audio
db.map_files(lambda x: os.path.join(root, x))   
# access speaker gender and age, and transcription, from the speaker dictionaries
df = db.tables['files'].get(map={'speaker': ['speaker', 'gender', 'age'], 'transcription': ['transcription']})
# copy the emotion label from the the emotion dataframe to the files dataframe
df['emotion'] = db.tables['emotion'].df['emotion']
# add a column with the word count
df['wordcount'] = df['transcription'].apply (lambda row: len(row.split()))
# store to disk for later use
