Nkululeko: how to tweak the target variable for database comparison

Sometimes you want to compare two different databases that share a similar target variable, say, related to likability, but in a different scaling, say the one asked on a scale from 1 to 10 and the other used likert-scale from 1-7. With nkululeko you can re-name labels, normalize the target values, and even inverse the … Continue reading Nkululeko: how to tweak the target variable for database comparison

Nkululeko: oversample the training set

Sometimes, with categorically labeled data, the number of samples per class is very unevenly distributed, misleading the model to think that the overwhelming majority class is more important than the others. In this case, two techniques might help: class weighting assigns a higher weight to samples from minority classes, and oversampling "invents" new samples for … Continue reading Nkululeko: oversample the training set

Nkululeko: re-name data column names

With nkululeko since version 0.68.1, you can re-name data fields (columns in your data table) by setting the following in your ini-file: [DATA] databases = ['mydata'] mydata.colnames = {'Participant ID':'speaker', 'sex':'gender', 'Age': 'age'} which means, that, before further processing, the Participant ID field in your database mydata will be treated as speaker label and so … Continue reading Nkululeko: re-name data column names

Nkululeko: inspect your data with Spotlight

With nkululeko since version 0.67.0, the spotlight software is directly integrated as part of the EXPLORE module. You can simply run your data filters, augmentations, machine learning experiments, segmentations and model predictions as usual, and then call the spotlight software by adding to your configuration file: [EXPL] sample_selection = all # or train or test … Continue reading Nkululeko: inspect your data with Spotlight


If you use modules, feature-extractors or models that use torchaudio with Nkululeko, like e.g . Resampler or Squim model, you need to install the nightly version. pip uninstall -y torch torchvision torchaudio pip install –pre torch torchvision torchaudio –extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu

Nkululeko: get some statistics on correlation and effect size

With nkululeko since version 0.64.0, some statistics are printed as part of the plot’s titles. With the explore module, you can plot correlations between the target (e.g. emotion or age) and other variables that are in the database, e.g. gender or duration, or everything you might have predicted with the predict module. You need to … Continue reading Nkululeko: get some statistics on correlation and effect size