Import speech data to nkululeko

Often you simply start an experiment with some audio data that you got from somewhere in no special format. Often the labels are encoded in the filenames.
If so, this Python script can help to convert the audio to a Nkululeko readable format and generate a CSV (comma separated values) file.

import os
from audeer import list_file_names
from os.path import basename

# folder with the original audio files (in wav format)
root = './orig_wav/'
# output folder, empty at the beginning
out_dir = './audio/'
# name of the output file list
out_file = 'data.csv'

# get a list of wav files
list = list_file_names(root, filetype = 'wav', basenames=True, recursive=True)
# write the list header (change to your data)
with open(out_file, 'a') as the_file:
# for each file
for file in list:
    # get the file name without path
    fn = basename(file)
    # convert to 16kHz sampling rate and mono channel 
    os.system(f'sox {root+file} -r 16000 -c 1 {out_dir+fn}')
    # extract the annotation label from the file name (change this to your needs)
    label = fn[0]
    # lastly: add file to list 
    with open(out_file, 'a') as the_file:

The resulting data list can then be read by Nkululeko in the config file (using randomly 30 % of the data as development set):

my_data = /some_path/data.csv
my_data.type = csv
my_data.split_strategy = random
my_data.testsplit = 30

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